A Letter From Our Pastors

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

Dear Nova Church Family,
This past year we have witnessed God’s faithfulness again as we have seen God bring us together virtually and then in-person during our Sunday services and our midweek Prayer Room and Nova Groups. To end this year knowing our longest run of consecutive Sunday in-person gatherings was ONLY 7 Sundays it is truly miraculous we are not only still standing as a church but continuing to reach more and more people for Jesus.  
We have watched as God has helped us to meet the needs of one another and those in our neighbourhoods and we have witnessed God adding to our numbers weekly — people who found our church both online and in-person discovered Jesus and joined our church, and even the addition of many new babies welcomed into our church.

While this year has been challenging on every front one thing remains clear. God is with us!
As we look back on the last year we thank you for your passion in attending, serving and giving and we thank God for his goodness towards us. As we step into a new year that brings with it more questions than certainty we do so united together knowing that as we add our “AMEN” to Heaven’s “YES”; we will see God fulfill his promises to us and our city.

We love you deeply,
Pastors Mike & Nancy


Our Mission

"Nova Church exists to see people far from God, be brought close to God."

Here are some of the ways we did that in 2021

NOVA GOES | Reaching Our Neighbourhood



As I reflect on what Nova Serves has been able to do in our community over the last year – I am blown away by the sacrificial hearts of those who call Nova home! Whether its financial offering, lending a hand, putting in the effort to have something be successful. 


Christmas Meals Distributed


Backpacks Distributed

None of this would be possible without you! It comes down to obedience and being willing to be the hands and feet & SMILE of Jesus in our world! 

 – Liz B, Director Nova Serves

NOVA GOES | Standing With Our Neighbours

One of the best parts of being a generous church, is the ability to stand with other organizations making a difference in our neighbourhood.



We give generously and significantly to support the Maritime District of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. This helps establish and maintain over 60 churches in Eastern Canada and makes it possible for people in every corner of the region to have access to a bible believing, Jesus loving church.


To Salvation Army Fairview


To Bayers Road Community Centre


To the Mobile Produce Market


To the Foster Parents Association

Which Means...

that's $9,000

Given to Local Charity Partners Alone

Through Your Generosity and Faithfulness in giving to Nova Church

we are enabled to be be generous to our Neighbours

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

NOVA GROWS | Growing Community

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

You were not made to do life alone, we are better together.






Unique Members Over the Year



NOVA GROWS | Growing Community

NOVA GROWS | Growing Community

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report




Next Steps continues to be the pipeline from attendance to involvement.

Next Steps continues to be the pipeline from attendance to involvement.

It’s been incredible to see that in just 6 short weeks of being back in person, we have already had next steps graduates who have begun serving sunday mornings on the dream team.


If you are looking to activate your faith, next steps is for you.



It’s been incredible to see that in just 6 short weeks of being back in person, we have already had next steps graduates who have begun serving sunday mornings on the dream team.


If you are looking to activate your faith, next steps is for you.



Every Sunday 11:00 am near the kids check in

NOVA GROWS | Growing Community

NOVA GROWS | Growing Community

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

In Nova Kids, we have so much fun, build connections and dig deep into God’s word through Bible stories, small group discussions, and prayer. 

Three highlights of the year for me have been: seeing so many new faces in the room, witnessing the kids being so kind to each other and our prayer time. In the past two months especially I have noticed how the kids have been actively putting into practice the things they learn each week including how to be a good friend, being kind to one another, and being content. 
There have also been some amazing moments in our prayer time each week. Earlier in November we prayed with the kids and many of them asked for prayer over their family and friends. You can really see the presence of God moving in their lives!
It is truly an honour to have the opportunity to invest in your children’s lives by teaching them of God’s unconditional love and we are so excited for what is to come in the new year! 

-Teacher Katelyn



NOVA GROWS | Growing Community

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report



“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” – Matthew 7:24-27

We’ve seen a good deal of growth in Nova Youth this past year. From social events throughout the summer, to bi-weekly gatherings starting in September, we have seen students begin to engage their faith in new and meaningful ways as we’ve focused on “foundations” in faith. We’re thankful for the ability to have some consistency through this season, and are hopeful that 2022 will bring with it more opportunities for connection, growth and fun!

-Pastor Emily

NOVA GROWS | Growing Community

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

With rolling lock-downs, changes to gathering restrictions and venue policy – staying connected with Church often meant being online.

Here’s some highlights from our online presence.



IN 2021












NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

NOVA GROWS | Growing Faith


For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.

 Since we have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was.  
We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.

Romans 6:4-6 NLT

Both baptisms and Dedications felt the impact of the variety of lockdowns, and restrictions that were imposed during 2021. By the grace of God and the introduction of Phase 5 we were once again able to embrace these essential expressions of Faith. 

We celebrated as a community as we watched families commit to raising their children after Jesus, individuals commit to following Jesus through baptism. 

Baptisms are available to stream online.

For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.

 Since we have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was.  
We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.

Romans 6:4-6 NLT

Both baptisms and Dedications felt the impact of the variety of lockdowns, and restrictions that were imposed during 2021. By the grace of God and the introduction of Phase 5 we were once again able to embrace these essential expressions of Faith. 

We celebrated as a community as we watched families commit to raising their children after Jesus, individuals commit to following Jesus through baptism. 

Baptisms are available to stream online.

NOVA GROWS | Growing Faith

We believe that Growth is a natural bi-product of a life being lived for Jesus. We saw some incredible growth in the life of our church this year.


People Participated in the 26 Day Journey. A 26 Day read through of the entire New Testament to better see the context, narrative, and themes at work within the New Testament writings. 


People Joined in to the 93 Day read through of the Old Testament. Similar to the 26 Day journey, participants walked away with a better understanding of the historical narrative of the old testament, and a deeper understanding of Gods character and nature as revealed through it. 

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report





Nova Scotia Prays

Along with Yarmouth Weslyan, we spearheaded an initiative of prayer for the churches of Nova Scotia to join with. In a season known for division, it was wonderful to see churches unified by prayer.

21 Days of Prayer

Church wide, we spent 21 days seeking God for our city, our families, our nation, our schools, our work places, our church, and more.

The Start of the Prayer Room

The Prayer Room began as a cry for more of the move of God in the lives of our staff. The invitation was opened church wide, and the resulting prayer times have been powerful, and uplifting. We look forward to continuing this initiative in 2022.

NOVA GIVES | Living Generously




NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report


When we look at our finances this past year we celebrate the goodness of God and the faithfulness of you who make up our church. We have been truly blessed to be a blessing to our city, province and beyond.


NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report




This year we were excited to add ONE full time staff member, to our team.

We are now blessed to have a team of THREE full time and TWO part time staff.

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

NOVA GIVES | How To Give


NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report

As we look forward to 2022 and beyond we are asking what God has planned for us in future staffing and a move towards a permanent building space. Any year end giving this month helps push us forward in these preparations and conversations as we aim for more stability in our pursuit to build a community helping those far from God come close to God

– Pastor Mike Miller


you can send e-transfers to


**This is a preferred method of giving as it carries with it no fee per transaction.

This year, we introduced e-transfer and it saved 12,000+ dollars in fees


you can send cheques made out to “NOVA CHURCH” and send to:

Suite 170, 2 Bluewater road, Bedford Nova Scotia B4B 1G7


Text “GIVE” to the number (613)-801-0225. The system will then guide you to setup your phone to give via text.

Please note: Only Donations received before December 31st will be receipted for 2021.

NOVA  CHURCH  | 2021 impact report