A Letter From Our Pastors

As we come to the end of 2023 our hearts overflow with gratitude and joy as we reflect on the unwavering faithfulness and generosity that characterize the spirit of our church family. 


This year had no shortage of challenges for us to navigate. From continued venue changes to the multiple natural disasters to hit Halifax this year, together we got to the other side while helping both friends and strangers.


This year also had some brilliant moments to celebrate. We won’t soon forget our “Tables” series potluck, Easter at The Cohn filled with people and praise, baptisms, dedications, backpack handouts and celebrating our 6th birthday.


Your faithfulness and passion for both your faith and our collective mission here at Nova has been remarkable in both times of joy and moments of challenge. Together, we have worshiped, welcomed many guests, provided community for all ages, helped our city practically and elevated God’s word. 


We are particularly moved by your generosity, which has enabled us to carry out the various ministries and outreach programs that make a tangible impact in our local community and beyond. Your sacrificial giving has not only sustained the day-to-day operations of our church but has also allowed us to extend a helping hand to those in need.


The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, wrote, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Your cheerful giving is inspiring to see and has helped us in our assignment here in Halifax.


As your pastors, we are humbled and inspired by your example. Your commitment to prayer, your acts of kindness, and your financial contributions all play a crucial role in the flourishing of our church and the fulfillment of its mission. We are privileged to serve alongside such a remarkable congregation.


As we approach the Christmas season and close out the year we want you to know that you are at the top of our list of blessings. Your love, support, and generosity have not gone unnoticed, and we thank God for each one of you. Let us continue to press on in unity, faith, and love, knowing that God is faithful and will continue to guide and bless our church family.


We pray God’s grace and goodness over you


Pastors Mike and Nancy 





"Nova Church exists to see people far from God,
be brought close to God."

Here are some of the ways we did that in 2023

NOVA GOES | Reaching Our Neighbourhood


Christ’s Love
in Our Community
and Beyond.

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?

When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?

When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

- Matthew 20:37-40 NIV

This year as a church we were able to practically show the love of Christ to our community through our generosity, in more ways than ever before.

With an increase in inflation, and more and more families feeling the pressure of our post covid landscape, there has been more need than ever. Whether it has been helping families with groceries, providing backpacks for families in need, sponsoring counselling and support for mental health, financial aid to families affected by natural disasters - we have been able to meet some of that need head on.

Here are some of the things we were really excited about this year:

725 +

Backpacks given to families

$8,895 +

Emergency Aid to Families


Grocery Assistance to families


Pastoral Care and Mental Health Support

NOVA GOES | Standing With Our Neighbours

Through your generosity and faithfulness in giving to Nova Church, we are enabled not only to be generous to the community but to our “neighbours”.

By "Neighbour" we mean people or organizations who are labouring in areas of ministry related or social justice initiatives. We were able to sow this year across a variety of neighbouring initiatives with excitement in the tangible furthering of the kingdom.
For example:


Christmas Party


Reach Church

Cape Breton


Port city Church



Rose Church



Helm Centre


Missions Canada Workers

that's $26,200

Given to neighbouring initiatives alone

We give generously and significantly to support the Maritime District of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. This year we gave $70,855. This helps establish and maintain over 60 churches in Eastern Canada and makes it possible for people in every corner of the region to have access to a bible believing, Jesus loving church.

When you add it all up we put


into Nova Goes (external Ministry) iniatives

These are examples of the “fruit” that we have produced as a church. Year in an out, as we see growth in these areas, we know it is because of the healthy growth happening inside our community. Thank you for your commitment to growth, and your overflow of generosity. 






 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:4-5

2023 was a year full of growth across every area of church life.
Despite fires, floods, and displacement – you as a church pressed into God remaining in him, dedicated to growth, and overflowing in fruitfulness.

This year kicked off with a focus on hospitality, and the invitation of Jesus to come to the table - We have seen such beautiful growth together focusing on the pillars of our faith, the Lordship of Christ, and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
We have seen some record breaking indicators of growth this past year, and we believe that as we continue to tend to this growth it produces fruit.
Here are some indicators of growth:


NOVA GROUPS Across the Year


Dishes brought to our family dinner


New Dream Team Members Added



The largest service Nova has EVER had

We invite you to continue to find your next step to engage more deeply in community. Whether that is making weekly attendance a priority, finding a nova group, or joining the dream team and serving, we would love to help you go deeper.

please email with the subject “NEXT STEPS” and let us know how we can help.

NOVA GROWS | Growing Faith

For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.

 Since we have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was.  
We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.

Romans 6:4-6 NLT

We believe that all of the growth we have seen in our community comes as a result of people taking personal ownership of their discipleship to Jesus.

It is within the context of this discipleship to Jesus, that we experience growth. Not just at the community level, but on the level of personal transformation. This is where we experience freedom, and the abundant life that Jesus offers us.
We have seen some amazing indicators of that this year:




Bibles Taken since May 2023


People engaged in 14 Day SOAP DEVOTIONAL




Different People Attended Next Steps


Different People Engaged in Nova Groups

It has been breathtaking to witness this growth on display. We have seen a collective hunger for this transformation and discipleship. Looking back at this past year, a clear theme has emerged which is foundational to all of this growth:


As Nova has been generous to our surrounding community, stood with our neighbours, grown in community, and helped facilitate growth in peoples faith - we believe it stems from this emphasis.
Here are three things we believe exemplify this:


What does it look like to live out every day faith with Jesus at the center? It looks like building a life his way, according to his example, and through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

The temptation to build our own way and ask God to bless it is strong. What we  discover though, is that life with Jesus at the center ends up being the best kind of life.

This has been a landmark series for our church, and we encourage you to listen back to it as we close off the year.


The Prayer Room began as a cry for more of the move of God in the lives of our staff in 2021. This has only grown stronger over the years, and in 2023 we continued to put into practice submission to the Lordship of Jesus, and dependance on the Holy Spirit through prayer.

We have seen some huge shifts, and ground taken over the year, and invite you to make prayer part of your routine and rhythm next year.

To find a prayer time that you can engage with, or to express interest in leading a prayer time follow the link below.


Jesus invites us to live an abundant life (exceeding in quality). As we study his way of living, and his commands to us one thing becomes clear: it’s not hard – it’s impossible. 

In our own effort and strength, we CANNOT live out what Jesus invites us into. Here’s the good news: he doesn’t expect us to.

Discover what dependance on the Holy Spirit and a life empowered by Him looks like. We encourage you to listen back as we launch into a new year.

NOVA GIVES | Living Generously




We celebrate that year in and year out you as a church have been so generous and faithful to the biblical principle of giving.

When we look at our finances this past year we celebrate the goodness of God and the faithfulness of your giving. We have been truly blessed to be a blessing to our city, province and beyond.


Total Operational Revenue



(over and above operational revenue)





Total Operational EXPENSE


External Ministry: 15%
Operations 12%
Salaries: 36%
Ministry: 37%


Our staff team is comprised of Three full time staff and Two part time staff.




We love creating atmosphere and a place to connect, which is why we invest into making that experience happen week in and week out for anyone to partake for free.



Cost to provide church services

(online and in person)

A lot goes into executing Sunday services. This number specifically accounts for:
-Equipment Rental
-Production (tech)
-Truck Rental
-Building Rental



Cost of event

This was our highest ever attended service where we sold out the Rebecca Cohn Theatre, touched heaven with our worship, and saw over 77 salvations.

NOVA GIVES |How to Give

As we prepare to start 2024 we are looking ahead to what God wants to do and dreaming of what it could look like.  As we start our legacy giving for the year, would you consider joining us in leaving a mark and building a legacy!


Thank you
Mike and Nancy Miller
Lead Pastors



you can send e-transfers to

**This is a preferred method of giving as it carries with it no fee per transaction.


you can send cheques made out to “NOVA CHURCH” and send to:

Suite 170, 2 Bluewater road, Bedford Nova Scotia B4B 1G7


Before or after any Nova Church Service, you can speak with one of our team to give in person. Please look for the giving banner in the Lobby. 

However you give, should you desire to give toward the legacy fund  please note “LEGACY” with your method of payment.

Please note: Only Donations received before December 31st will be receipted for 2023.